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The Value of Work

In rare times like these, we come to appreciate that having time on our hands is not necessarily all its cracked up to be. The lament of most independently wealthy people is often that they have no-one to play with. That they are bored. That there is no challenge.

Leisure time only exists in contrast to work. The desire to have time off is because for most of the time we are occupied with work. And do we complain about it!

‘Work sucks. ‘

‘I hate my job. ‘

‘I’m only doing it for the money.’

‘One Powerball, and I’m out of here.’

‘I can’t wait to retire.’

The reality, as many are coming to understand, is having lots of free time has its limitations.

Work provides so much of what is healthy for humans. A sense of purpose. The opportunity to help others. Income to feed the family and invest for the future. Entertainment. Social contact. Challenge. Learning. Self-worth. Validation. A sense of achievement. Travel. A conference. Recognition. Advancement. Friday drinks. Paid holidays.

And yet, when we are in it, we can’t wait to get out of it. It’s a delusion that somehow life will be better without it.

How about we do something different? How about we create a life we have no need to escape from? How about we choose to appreciate all the benefits that work brings, and stop trying to escape from it? How about we realise that the reason we enjoy our time off is because we have worked hard, and because we have a job?

I think retirement is an outdated concept. Forget retirement. Forget planning for retirement. How about, instead, we plan for an enjoyable life? How about we focus on gratitude for what we have, or as many are finding out, what we had.

I will be doing what I’m doing – coaching, training, speaking and mentoring, for as long as I am able. Find out what you love to do, your ikigai, and find a way to make a living doing it. Or find a way to value the work you are doing now.

For more on Enjoyment Planning, click here.

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