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30+ Years of Empowering Professionals to Reach Their Potential

About Robert Bentley

20+ Years of Empowering Professionals to Reach Their Potential

About Robert Bentley

Throughout my 20+ year career as an international business coach, I’ve had the privilege of guiding a diverse range of clients through critical moments of growth and transformation. Whether you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey or leading a well-established company aiming to redefine its future, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

My journey has led me to author three books on small business and lifestyle, and study small business at Harvard Business School. As a trained mindfulness teacher with experience conducting MBSR programs, I integrate a holistic approach into my coaching practice.

My background as a former member of the elite SAS has profoundly shaped my approach to personal and professional development. Today, as one of four directors at Acuity Group, I continue to leverage my skills to help leaders, managers, and business owners in small to medium enterprises achieve their goals.

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rob has been responsible for developing leaders and teams in the military, multinational corporations, as well as franchises in the retail sector. He has been instrumental in the ongoing success of small to medium enterprises, providing business coaching and mentoring to proprietors and managers. He has extensive experience in coaching and motivating, and empowering individuals to achieve their potential.

Rob believes that you ‘manage things and lead people’. This distinction clears the way to develop highly effective task-oriented skills essential for management, and powerful relationship-oriented skills crucial for leadership.

Active Clients
Alumini Clients
Coaching Sessions
Strategic Reviews

Managing Things and Leading People

Throughout my career I have helped develop leaders and teams in the military, multinational corporations, and franchises in the retail sector develop highly effective task-oriented skills essential for management, and powerful relationship-oriented skills crucial for leadership.

Global Expertise

I’ve coached businesses across four continents, allowing me to offer a broad international perspective that enriches your growth strategy with diverse, global insights.

Proven Success

Achieve remarkable outcomes whether you’re a start-up or publicly listed company. Gain access to strategies and insights that drive significant, tangible results for your business.

Comprehensive Background

From an L&D Executive at Caltex Australia to a director at Acuity Group, I offer a wealth of experience in leadership development and a well-rounded perspective on your business challenges.

Educational Foundation

I’ve authored three books on small business and lifestyle, studied at Harvard Business School, and trained as a mindfulness coach. This background enhances my approach, blending practical business insights with mindfulness techniques.

Philosophical Insight

My philosophy of ‘Managing Things and Leading People’guides my approach to developing both task-oriented management skills and powerful, relationship-oriented leadership capabilities.

Coach Series

Coach Series

My carpool coach series is a unique and enjoyable way of providing my clients with an opportunity to introduce their brand and share their wisdom with the world. Watch our frank and unscripted conversations while driving around Perth in my Bentley.

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My journey has led me to author three books on small business and lifestyle. Whether you need insider tips to take your business from start-up to sustainable, or if you want to build better rapport with your people, my books can help your growth.

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Download Free
EBOOK today

Download Free
EBOOK today

Download my FREE eBook, “The Business Life Cycle”. Here I outline the various stages of business ownership and the successes that can be achieved if you understand the typical phases in the life cycle, and what to do next.

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Robert Bentley’s Books
RAPPORT: The one communication process you’ll ever need
Small Business Wisdom, by Robert Bentley
The Enjoyment Plan
For entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs.

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"Coaching isn't therapy. It's product development, with you as the product." - Fast Company
Thank's to our Partners Or clients

The Enjoyment Plan®

The Enjoyment Plan® is less to do with business and more to do with life in general. It reflects the changing view of life, and turns the old model of working hard as a means to an end and then retiring, on its head. Retirement is an outdated concept. Waiting until we have finished work to enjoy ourselves just doesn’t make sense. Too many of us never get that far. Life is to be enjoyed, not endured. We spend more time planning for our holidays than we do for our retirement, largely because retirement is viewed negatively and too far away. Holidays have a high personal pay-off, and so we invest time and energy into that. Retirement, not so much.
Flipping retirement into enjoyment, flipping later into now, going from employer to enjoyer, from employee to enjoyee, and from employment to enjoyment. Embracing the Okinawan concept of ikigai, finding out what you love to do, what you are good at, what you can be rewarded for, and doing that, forever!
Work is central to our lives, and finding enjoyment in our work, or finding work we enjoy will help to shape our experience of life. Work gives us so much more than we admit to, and its only when we are out of work, or not required to work that we realise how much it meant to us.
The Enjoyment Plan® deals with the Five Realms of our life; the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial aspects, and explores how to enhance our joy, and to reduce what kills our joy. Getting clarity on your own Enjoyment Plan® can help you get out of our own way, and help you enjoy the one life that you remember – this one!
For couples, finding a complementary Enjoyment Plan®, where you don’t try and do everything together, but find where your Enjoyment Plans® intersect, and do that. This can reduce stress on couples who need their own space, but want to cherish their ‘couple time’. A Couples Enjoyment Plan® can extend relationships, and bring appreciation and respect to differences.
For conferences, doing an Enjoyment Plan® workshop can really build the gratitude for what we already have, what’s great about our life and work, and look to let go of what reduces our enjoyment of both.
An Enjoyment Plan® keynote might be just the thing to build some hope, empower the audience, and warm the heart.
We need to enjoy each day as best as we can, which, of course, is up to each of us.
CEO Thomas Smith
Meet The Experts.

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Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s work together to create a plan that will transform your business and help you achieve your goals. Reach out to me today, and let’s start your journey towards sustainable success.