There is one thing we all do better than anybody else. One thing that nobody can possibly compete with, against us, and win. If only we knew what that one thing is. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Elon Musk would lose, so would Jeff Bezos, Tiger Woods and Greta Thunberg. Even Roger Federer would suck at it.
The one thing that nobody does better than you, is being you. Nobody does us better than we do. Regardless of how badly you think you do you, you are the best at it in the whole world. Number 1. And no-one can ever be better at it than you. They could try and do a version of you, but they would merely be a pale imitation. A caricature. A fake.
You are an original. Authentic. Unique. There never has been, and there never will be, anyone exactly like you. Unless you’re a twin, but even then you aren’t the same, really. Your experience is unique.
The challenge can only be personal, and the only person you can compare you to, is you. Maybe yesterday’s you. Comparing yourself to somebody else, without understanding their baggage and their head is pointless. They aren’t stopping you be you. All you can ask of yourself is to try to be better today than you were yesterday. Have you given you your best shot? Do you know what you need to do? Would you like to find out?
One of my former clients, Shane Kempton, has written a book called ‘Your Best Days Are Ahead of You’. Shane is a speaker and a coach, and has a great life coaching program to help you discover the best version of you. I went along to Shane’s book launch, and met some of his clients and friends, and it was great to see a coach challenging himself to be the best version of himself. That’s authentic. Only Shane does Shane.
In December last year, I went to Auckland to do a speakership program with Matt Church. Matt is a master, and no matter how much you try and do Matt, you fail. Matt does Matt. He encourages you to do you.
One of my business coaching partners, Oscar, is unique. No-one could possibly try and be Oscar and pull it off. Nor my other partner, Steve. They definitely broke the mould when these two were conceived. I can’t be them, and they can’t be me. Nor should we try.
We can only do us as best as we can. And what a worthwhile, lifelong pursuit that is.
You do you.